to announce or praise (a produce, service, etc.) in newspapers, radio, or
television, in order to sell it; to give information to the public about (an
event, happening, etc), esp. in a newspaper or on radio or television; to
request something, esp. by placing a notice in a newspaper.
Appeal: an
earnest plea; a request to higher authority for a decision; the power or
ability to attract or stimulate the mind or emotions.
Appear: to
come into sight; become visible; to have the appearance of being.
to transmit (programs) from a radio or television station; to speak or present
on a radio or television program.
Claim: to
demand by or as if by a right; to state (something) as true or as a fact; to
require (something) as proper; a request or demand for payment in accordance
with an insurance policy, law, etc.
Convince: to
cause (someone) to believe in, or agree to, something by using argument; to
move by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of
to magnify (something) beyond the limits of truth; overstate; to employ
exaggeration, as in speech or writing.
Inform: to
give knowledge of a fact or circumstance to (someone); to give information
indicating that someone has committed a crime, as to the police; to supply
(oneself) with knowledge of a matter or subject.
Promote: to
help or encourage to flourish; to advance to the next higher grade in a school.
to present /someone or something) as worthy of confidence, acceptance, or use,
as by making a favorable judgment; to urge or suggest as proper, useful, or
Image: a
visible representation of a person, animal, or thing; an optical appearance of
an object, as one produced by reflection from a mirror, etc; the general or
public perception of a company, public figure, etc, esp. as achieved by careful
calculation aimed at creating widespread goodwill.
means of communication, as radio, television, and magazines, with wide reach
and influence.
Product: a
thing produced by labor; all the goods or services that a company produces; a
person or thing produced by or resulting from a process, as a natural, social,
or historical one.
Slogan: a
phrase identified with a particular party, product, etc; a distinctive cry,
phrase or motto of any party, group, manufacturer, or person.
Slot: a
slit, esp. one for receiving something, such as a letter; a position, as in a
sequence or series; a narrow, elongated depression, groove, notch, slit, or
aperture, esp. a narrow opening for receiving or admitting something, as a coin
or a letter.
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