20 June 2017


This course has been great for me, without any doubt, I think it was the first time that I learned English in a fun and entertaining way.
I believe that little by little and it has been improving, the truth is that I finished the course very happy and with a high level of English, I hope I do not lose it during the summer, in all ways I will have it practiced for when I go abroad.
In geography and finishing the course also very happy, the truth is that in the first quarter does not end very well but now in the third and reassembled.
This is the summary of my course. !!!
Thanks for all the explanations.

19 June 2017


Busy recyclable rubbish: The rubbish that can be recycled is put underground.
Destroy forest: It is the action that is carried out to end the forests, either when works are done, roads or forest burns.
Dump recyclable waste: When throwing scrap or recycled material somewhere.
Poison fish: Is the consequence of throwing some type of poison in the rivers.
Pollute rivers: Action that consists in throwing to a river any product that has as consequence the pollution of the same.
Preserve trees:  Take any action to keep the trees and to protect them.
Protect fields: Action necessary to shield fields to be productive.
Recycle electronic gadgets: Reclaim electronic devices to give it a different use.
Reduce waste: Action to decrease the production of scraps.
Reuse plastic bags: use several times the plastic bags.
Save water: Do everything you need to avoid wasting water.
Throw away newspapers: Do not reuse or recycle newspapers.
Accessory: an extra part that improves or completes the basic part.
Belt: a band of flexible material that encircles the waist.
Earring: an ornament worn or hanging from the lobe of the ear.
Handbag: a bag or box of leather, fabric, plastic, or the like, held in the band on carried by means of a handle or strap, commonly used by women for holding money, toilet articles, small purchases, etc.
Necklace: a piece of jewelry worn around the neck, as a string of pearls.
Ring: a usually thin, circular band of strong material, such as gold, worn on the finger as an ornament, etc.
Automatic: having the capability of operating independently without human aid;
Convenient: suitable or agreeable to the purpose; useful; helpful.
Efficient:  performing or functioning effectively with the least waste of time and effort; competent. Satisfactory and economical to use.
Fixed: Fixed computer that is not portable.
Heavy: of great weight; hard to lift or carry.
High-quality: Product or high quality material.
Impractical: Not practical or useful.
Inconvenient: not easily reachable or close at hand; not suiting one’s needs or purposes.
Inefficient: not efficient; unable to effect or achieve the desired result with reasonable economy of means.
Light: Something of little weight; not heavy.
Low-quality: Product or material of poor quality.
Manual: operated by hand rather than mechanically; a book giving instructions on how something works or on how to do something.
Portable: that can be transported; easily carried by hand; (of data, software) able to be used on different computer systems.
Reliable: capable of being relied on; always or often dependable in character, judgment or result.
Time-consuming: (of an action) requiring or wasting much time.
Useful: Being of use of service; serving some purpose; of practical use; as for doing work; producing material results.
Useless:  without useful qualities; of no practical good; not serving the purpose or any purpose.
Bury:  to put (a dead body) in the ground or a vault, or into the sea, often with ceremony; to put in the ground and cover with earth.
Destroy:  to ruin (a thing) by demolishing; injure beyond repair; to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving.
Dump: to throw away or discard (garbage, etc)
Poison: to kill or injure with or as if with poison.
Pollute: to make foul or unclean, esp. with harmful chemical or waste products; contaminate.
Preserve: to keep (something) alive or in existence; make (something) lasting.
Protect: to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, insult, etc; cover; shield.
Recycle: to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse.
Reduce: to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc.
Reuse: to use again.
Save: to avoid the using up of (some resource).
Throw away:  to dispose of; get rid of; discard.

Functional language                                                         Lenguaje funcional
Talking about food                                                  Hablando sobre comida
How is it cooked?                                                      ¿Cómo se cocina?
It’s cooked on the grill/ in the oven/ in a pan.           Está cocinado en la parrilla/ en el horno/  en una cacerola
What’s that made with?                                             ¿Con qué está hecho?
What does it come with?/ What is it served with?    ¿Cómo  se hace esto? ¿Con qué se sirve?
It comes with…./ It’s served with                             Viene con… . Se sirve con….      
What has it got on? In it?                                          ¿Qué tiene encima?/ dentro?
It’s got ….on/ in it.                                                    Tiene encima/dentro
That smells/ looks/ sounds/ tastes…                         Eso huele/ parece/ suena/ sabe..
I don’t like the smell/ look/ sound/ taste of that!      No me gusta el olor/ el aspecto/ el sonido/ el sabor de eso!
I’m fond/ not very fond of ….                                  Me gusta mucho(me encanta)/ no me gusta mucho
I’m keen/ not very keen on                                       Estoy interesado/ no estoy interesado en         
..are favourites/ is a favourite of mine.                     Son mis favoritos/ es mi favorito.
I can’t resist..                                                             No lo puedo resistir…

Charming: pleasing; delightful; a person who has a lot of charm.
Clever: mentally bright;  having sharp or quick intelligence; showing inventiveness or originally; ingenious.
Competitive: overly interested in competing; able to match or exceed one’s competitors.
Confident: sure of oneself; having strong belief or full assurance.
Generous: free in giving or sharing; unselfish.
Jealous: full of a feeling of resentment or anger about someone’s success, achievements, advantages, etc; envious. Feeling resentment against someone because of that person’s rivalry, success, or advantages.
Lazy: unwilling to work or perform effort, activity, or exertion; indolent. Averse or disinclined to work or activity.
Loyal: faithful to a person or thing thought to deserve it; faithful to any leader, party, or cause, or to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity.
Proud: feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something thought of as bringing credit or honor to oneself.
Upset: distressed; disturbed.
Sad: feeling unhappiness or grief.
Selfish: caring only chiefly for oneself; characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself.
Sensible: having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment.
Sensitive: readily or easily affected by stimuli; readily or excessively affected by external agencies or influences; aware of and responsive to the feelings of others.
Sociable: friendly or agreeable in company or companionable; inclined to associate with or be in the company of others
Strong: having, showing, or involving great power in the body or muscles; physically vigorous.
Stubborn: unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving.
Talkative: willing or ready to talk a great deal.
Thoughtful: showing consideration or care for others; considerate.
Unpredictable: not predictable; not to be foreseen or foretold.
Vain: overly proud of or concerned about one’s own appearance, qualities, achievements; ineffectual or unsuccessful; useful; futile.
Fall out: stop being friends with someone because of an argument.
Get on with: have a friendly relationship with someone.
Look up to: respect someone.
Make up: make friends with someone after an argument.
Pick on: treat someone unfairly.
Put up with: accept something that is annoying.
Tell off: speak angrily to someone for doing something wrong.
Turn off: go to someone for help or advice.
Abandoned: left behind or deserted.
Cub: the young of certain animals; esp. the bear, wolf, or lion; a young and inexperienced person.
Endangered: threatened with a danger or extinction.
Furry: made up of, resembling, or covered with fur or something furlike.
Handler: a person who trains a boxer or who trains dogs and exhibits them in dog shows; a person who exhibits a dog in a bench show or field trial.
Rescue: to liberate or take by forcible or illegal means from lawful custody; to bring (someone or something) out of danger, attack, harm, etc; deliver or save.
They won’t hang around: they will not wait (without doing anything), they will not waste time.