4 February 2018


Adaptable: capable of being adapted; able to adjust oneself readily to different conditions
Aternative: allowing for a choice between two or more things, propositions or courses of action; being different from the usual; employing of following nontraditional or unconventional ideas, methods, etc.
Chemical: a substance produced by or used in chemistry;  of, used in, or produced by, or concerned with chemistry or chemicals.
Computer-generated: something that is created or made with a computer.
Electronic: of or relating to electronics or to devices, circuits and systems developed through electronics;  of pertaining to, or controlled by computers, or computer products and services.
Energy-saving: It is the system or way of doing things to achieve the consumption of energy.
High-tech: a style of design for the interior of a hose, apartment, office, etc, using or resembling materials or designs found in industry; of, pertaining to, or suggesting high-tech or high technology.
Innovative: tending to innovate or characterized by innovation.
Mechanical: of or relaying to machinery or tools; operated of produced by machinery; lacking freshness; dull or done by habit.
Solar-powered: if refers to everything that works with solar energy.
Sustainable: especially in ecology and economics, which can be maintained for a long time without exhausting resources or causing serious damage to the environment.
Wireless: having no wire; nothing or pertaining to any of various devices that are operated with or actuared by electromagnetic waves.

Absorb: to suck up or drink in (a liquid); soak up; to get the full attention of; to take in without echo or bouncing; to swallow up the identity or individuality of; to engross or engage wholly; to take up or receive by chemical or molecular action.
Boost: to lift or raise by pushing from below; to help (someone), or to advance or aid by speaking well of; promote.
Burn: to (cause to) be on fire; to (cause to) use up or consume fuel and give off energy; to (cause to) be damaged or destroyed by fire, heat or acid.
Crash: to make a loud, clattering noise; to (cause to) break or fall to pieces with noise; to cause (a moving vehicle) to collide with another object violently; to collapse or fail suddenly, such as a financial enterprise.
Perform: to carry out in the proper manner; to carry into effect; execute; to go through or execute in the proper, customary, or established manner; to play or sing a piece of music.
Process: to treat or prepare (raw materials or the like) by some process, as in manufacturing; to accept, handle, and organize (data), esp. electronically.
Release: to free from jail, burden, debt, pain, etc; to let go; to allow to be hnown, issued, published, broadcast or exhibited; to allow or cause (something) to fall, escape.
Repair: to restore to a good or sound condition after damage or decay; fix; to go ta a place; to make up for.
Rest: to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying, or being at ease; to be dead; to stop moving; to remain without further notice.
Transport: to carry or convey from one place to another; to carry away by strong emotion or dreams; enrapture; to send into a faraway land especially to a penal colony, as punishment.

Convert: to change into something of different form or properties;  to (cause to) adopt a different belief, etc; transform; to obtain an equivalent value for in an exchange or calculation, such as money or units of measurement; to turn to nother or a particular use or purpose.
Generate: to bring into existence; to ceate by a natural or chemical process; to create and distribute vitallt and profusely; originate; produce.
Run: to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk; to perform by or as if by running; to go or cross (a distance) in running; to pass something (over or through) quickly; to make a quick trip or visit to (cause to) be a  candidate for election.

Store: to supply or stock with something; to put away for future use; to deposit in a place for keeping; to put or retain (data) in a computer memory unit.